Mashup Filmmaking Competition 2024-25
Open to all young filmmakers aged 10-18 across East Anglia.
Mashup is a filmmaking competition free to enter for children of school age, 10-18 years, in East Anglia.
Young filmmakers are invited to make a short film choosing from a selection of archive footage supplied by the East Anglian Film Archive (EAFA).
Key dates
All entries must be submitted by Monday 19th May 2025, 5pm
Competition Brief
Make a short film of between 1 to 5 minutes in duration.
At least 50% of the total duration of your film must consist of archive footage from the competition package supplied by EAFA.
Filmmakers can also choose to combine the EAFA archive footage with other audio-visual material, for example, footage shot by the young filmmaker or footage sourced (with the necessary permissions) from elsewhere. They can include music and sound effects too.
Who can take part?
Mashup is a competition for young filmmakers. To enter the competition, entrants must be aged 10 to 18 at the time of the competition deadline.
Entries may be submitted by an individual, as a pair, or by a group of any size.
We invite educators to include Mashup as part of a school or college classroom activity, or as part of elective home education or with an after-school club.
We also welcome entries from individuals or groups of friends outside of being a classroom activity and from those not in formal education.
Entry Levels
Participants can enter in one of the following two categories:-
Category A – School year 6-11 [age 10-16]
Category B – School year 12-13 [age 16-18]
In the case of group submission, the appropriate entry level is the age/school year of the oldest group member.
The Competition Theme
Each year brings a new theme. The theme for 2024 is ‘Time’.
We’ve listed the following as ideas you might like to take inspiration from. However, we invite you to interpret the theme in any way you wish.
>>Downloadable list of ideas on the subject of ‘time'<<
Films will be judged on their ability to address the theme by being original and engaging. Submissions won’t be judged on production values alone. What we’re looking for is creativity and overall how you choose to interact with the archive film.
Film Duration
Entrants may submit a film of no shorter than 1 minute and no longer than 5 minutes.
Entry Levels and Prizes
Winners in each category will receive the following prizes:
1) Screening of their film at an event in Spring/Summer 2025. The screening may occur in person and/or online (recorded or streamed) TBC.
2) Publishing the film on the East Anglian Film Archive website.
3) Preserving the film for future generations by adding to the digital collections at the East Anglian Film Archive.
4) Cash prize: Each winning filmmaker will receive a cash amount according to the relevant entry level category:
Category A – Year 6-11 [age 10-16] – £ 75*
Category B – Year 12-13 [age 16-18] – £ 75*
*Mashup is kindly supported with funds from CreativeUEA
Entries may be submitted by an individual, or by a group of any size (eg. a group of friends, an after-school club, or an entire class). In the case of group submission, the appropriate entry level is the age/school year of the oldest group member. One prize will be awarded to the entire group as a whole.
How to Enter
Please download, complete and sign an entry form appropriate for your age.
If you are below the age of 18 you will need a parent or guardian to provide their consent for you to participate.
>>Download entry form with parent/guardian consent here (for filmmakers aged 17 and under)<<
>>Download entry form here (for filmmakers aged 18)<<
Return your completed and signed form to us by email at eafa@uea.ac.uk
Please read the full >>Terms & Conditions<< before submitting your entry form.
How can I Access the Films in the Competition Package?
Once we have received the completed and signed consent form or entry form, we will email you a link to download the competition package of archive footage.
Please note, it may take up to 7 working days to receive the films in the competition package once we have received your entry form. We advise completing and returning your entry form at the earliest opportunity.
How do I submit my film?
Use one of the following file sharing methods to send your film to us.
- Use a file transfer service, eg, WeTransfer
- Use a cloud-based storage service, eg, Dropbox, Google Drive or MS OneDrive.
Simply upload your video, create a shareable link, and send it to us by email at eafa@uea.ac.uk
Deadline for Film Entries
Please note, we have extended the deadline for entries.
You have until 5pm on Monday 19th May to submit your film to us.
For regular updates
Follow us on Twitter
Contact Us
Email: eafa@uea.ac.uk
Phone: (01603) 592664
Mashup is kindly supported with funds from CreativeUEA.
CreativeUEA builds on UEA’s longstanding history of creativity and innovation – across the arts, sciences, social sciences and enterprise – to explore new areas of interdisciplinary research, learning, action and outreach.
They work with partners across the region, nationally and internationally, to explore the links between creativity, enterprise and innovation, generating and developing cutting-edge projects to create a better future for all.
Diversity and inclusion are at the heart of the CreativeUEA theme and ethos, which embeds approaches to research that will influence teaching and learning as well as emphasise the centrality of creativity at all stages of development to foster talent, health and wellbeing.
You can read more about CreativeUEA and their work with partners across the region here.