Archive Alive
01 May 2016

A small selection of the films from this project can be seen below. Additionally the full selection of films from the East Anglian Film Archive that were used in this project are now available to browse and watch from within the collection search.
Project overview
The Archive Alive project was an ERDF interreg IVA Channel Programme project led by Pôle Image Haute-Normandy, France with the Heritage Economic and Regeneration Trust (HEART) and the University of East Anglia (UEA) as project partners.
The programme aimed to promote emergence – between the French and English parties – of a space of common citizenship, fostering a sense of belonging to a cross-border area endowed with a specific identity. For more information on Interreg4a please visit
The aim of the project was to bring the history of East Anglia and Upper Normandy alive through films taken from Rouen based lead, Pôle Image, and the University of East Anglia’s East Anglian Film Archive (EAFA). The films were brought together in a unique moving image timeline which showcased events, places and people captured on film over the last century.
A selection of films from the East Anglian Film Archive that were used in this project are now available to browse and watch from within the collection search.
About Pôle Image Haute-Normandie
Pôle Image Haute-Normandie is a non-profit organisation funded by the Region of Upper Normandy and The Minister of Culture and Communication for its missions in favour of cinema, audiovisual production and photography.
The East Anglian Film Archive (EAFA), is the moving image archive for the East of England which includes the counties of Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Norfolk and Suffolk. The Archive is owned and operated by the University of East Anglia (UEA), a UK Higher Education organisation.
Norwich HEART was a private, charitable trust that strategically planned, regenerated, managed and promoted Norwich and Norfolk’s heritage.
HEART passed on its activities to partners in 2015.
The aim of the project was to bring the history of East Anglia and Upper Normandy alive through films taken from Rouen based lead, Pôle Image, and the University of East Anglia’s East Anglian Film Archive.