Tour of Harlow

1961 , Harlow (Essex)

A visual tour of Harlow shot by an amateur filmmaker.

The A11 road, Harlow Town Railway Station and even a helipad, provide a myriad of gateways to Harlow, the Essex market town transformed by its post-war designation as a 'new town', helping to ease London's population squeeze. With all the avenues leading to the town centre, the tour proper starts in the central shopping district, with views of the market square, parks and gardens, St Paul's Church and out to residential tower blocks and the ring road infrastructure. These roads, along with traffic-free pedestrian and cycleways, link the town centre with key industrial estates, such as Temple Fields and Pinnacles, and residential districts, with their mix of bungalows, terrace houses, low-rise flats and tower blocks. The town's distinct neighbourhood centres are fully-served by a range of facilities including schools, community centres and medical hubs, whilst the entire Harlow community is served by the district hospital. Recreation is a key part of life in Harlow, with the sports centre catering for a range of activities including cricket, football and athletics alongside the town park, canals, swimming centre, horseriding and community events such as Scout Day and the Harlow Norway Week carnival parade.

Featured Buildings

Addison House, Harlow; Garden Tiger pub, Harlow; Harlow Hospital; Harlow Swimming Pool; Harlow Town Railway Station; Little Parndon County Primary School, Harlow; Moot House, Harlow; Netteswell County Secondary School, Harlow; Phoenix pub, Harlow; St Paul's Church, Harlow; Tye Green Community Centre, Harlow

Featured Events

Harlow Norway Week, 1961


Architecture; Community; Healthcare; Housing; Industry; New town; Recreation; Sports


Tour of Harlow

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