Tramway Ride Through Principal Streets

1902 , Norwich (Norfolk)

Norwich streets seen from the top deck of moving tram.

The streets of Norwich filmed from the upper storey of a moving tram. The shots reveal that by 1902, pavements had been constructed, gas lighting installed in the City centre, and roads were still unmetalled. There were also many tramlines crossing the roads, suggesting a substantial network. Other details include shots of other trams as they pass, horses and carts and horses and carriages in the streets of Norwich and there are handcarts being pushed. Scene 1: Dereham Road. This is filmed from Heigham Road travelling towards the City and ending just over the Grapes Hill / Barn Road cross-roads. The road is lined with trees as it still was c. 1996. Scene 2: Charing Cross. The Free Library is on the left of the picture by Duke Street and a woman is pushing a pram. Scene 3: Bank Plain. This shows the Royal Hotel on the left and the Agricultural Hall and the Post Office on the right. The tram continues down Prince of Wales Road, towards Thorpe Station. Many other trams pass during this scene, suggesting that many routes converged here. Scene 4: Back up towards Castle Meadow. This sequence is shot from the rear of the tram. Scene 5: Castle Meadow to Orford Place. A market stall stands on the side of the pavement, by the Castle Wall. Scene 6: St. Benedicts. A rear view this time, as the tram enters St. Benedicts.

Featured Buildings

The Free Library; The Royal Hotel; The Agricultural Hall; The Post Office


Horse-drawn transport; Street scenes, Trams; Transport

Background Information

The Warwick Trading Company was founded in 1898 by Will Barker and Charles Urban. This is one of their early films. In the early days of cinema people often didn't believe that what they were seeing was real, they thought that there was some trick involved. Film companies would take film showing people going about their everyday life. When they came to the cinema they saw themselves on the screen. This convinced them that film was what its purveyors claimed. This practice had another benefit; people would come to the cinema to see themselves on screen. Warwick Produced the Warwick Bioscope Chronicle from July, 1910.


Tramway Ride Through Principal Streets

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