‘Shifting Ground’ formed the second part of Film Hub North’s four-year initiative, ‘Changing Times’, a nationwide funding programme supporting screen heritage events that unearth stories from our collective past. Taking climate change and our ever-evolving relationship with the environment as its principal theme, funding was dedicated to projects that explored how archive material can provide valuable contributions to debates of contemporary issues.
In Autumn-Winter 2019, the East Anglian Film Archive successfully secured funding to work on a young programmer’s project in collaboration with the Young Art Kommunity (YAK), based at Firstsite in Colchester. YAK is a peer-led group of 15 to 25-year-olds who work to organise events and activities, encouraging development of skills, confidence and creativity. Using film material from EAFA’s collections, the group curated a film compilation called ‘Shift’: an exploration of global warming and our society’s opportunity to work together to generate positive change. A screening of ‘Shift’ took place at Firstsite in January 2020, and the film can now be publicly screened by groups and cinemas. Contact EAFA by email at eafa@uea.ac.uk to obtain a digital file of the film and a no-fee license for screening.