Institute of Amateur Cinematographers
01 November 2011

The Institute of Amateur Cinematographers’ film library is eclectic and unique. It is truly international embracing films from all continents. Many films have won awards in prestigious national and international amateur film competitions.
Almost all the established film genres are represented – animation, film noir, experimental, historical dramas, musicals and Westerns and many others. The amateur film-makers were confident enough to step back and gently satirise the medium and several films in the collection explore the process and pitfalls of amateur film-making in a wry and instructive vein. Subjects range from the epic travelogue to the most domestic and intimate of home movies.
Covering every decade from the 1920s to the 1980s the films give a singular sense of Britain’s history – from family life in pre-war Britain, to wartime patriotism, through industries, communities and crafts long gone to the youth culture and introspection of the 1960s.
Some of the film-makers went on to have careers in the industry while established actors and actresses made their first appearances in front of these cameras. It is hoped that these highlights of films from the IAC will intrigue, inform and entertain.
The amateur film-makers were confident enough to step back and gently satirise the medium and several films in the collection explore the process and pitfalls of amateur film-making in a wry and instructive vein.