Village Blacksmith

1962 , Wangford (Suffolk)

A Farming Diary episode for Anglia Television showing blacksmiths at work in a Suffolk village.

In the village of Wangford, Suffolk, the processes, tools, and skills involved in the professional trade of the blacksmith are shown. In a workshop, men heat and forge metal using a variety of equipment to create tools. Horses are led into a stable, and the detailed process of forging a horseshoe and re-shoeing a horse is shown. In a separate workshop, a motor engine and drainage pump are worked on, and an employee is interviewed concerning the equipment, his work conditions and duties. Fred, previously a farrier with the household cavalry, now employed by the firm, working at a lathe, explains the work of the firm, then Russell, a young employee, discusses his role with the firm, before explaining the workings of a coypu trap he is working on. Drainage equipment is put into place in a dyke, highlighting the practical use and importance of the work of the blacksmith in East Anglia.




Village Blacksmith

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