Lowestoft To Have Private Poll On The Common Market
1971 , Lowestoft (Suffolk)
Cat no. 152025
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Anglia TV news footage about Lowestoft's private poll in 1971 regarding whether Britain should join the Common Market. Features interviews with Lowestoft's Labour and Conservative agents.
Begins by panning across the street in Lowestoft with people walking along. Close up of a polling paper with the title ‘The Common Market and Britain’s Entry.’ The camera zooms in on the box with a title above it reading ‘I want my MP to vote AGAINST’, before panning over to the box with the title ‘I want my MP to vote FOR.’ Camera pans down to the bottom of the polling paper which reads ‘Only ONE vote per voter.’ Camera pans along the street again. Shows a traffic warden in the road directing cars. Pans along the docks with a close up of cargo boats. Zooms in on a group of men standing on the dock looking at a boat in the water. Shows a cargo boat called the Ursa Minor passing by the camera, with a close up of men working on the dock. Reporter John Swinfield interviews Lowestoft’s Conservative Agent Sir Donald Miller, asking him if he thinks this referendum is justified. Miller replies that he thinks it is unnecessary and is not the way Great Britain should do things. They discuss Miller’s thoughts on what the outcome will be and why people will vote for or against Britain entering the Common Market in the referendum. Swinfield then interviews Lowestoft’s Labour Party Agent Mr Donald Durant. They discuss the fishing industry, where Durant believes that fishing off the coast of this country has marked the end of Britain’s fishing industry. He talks about the negative effects on farming if any changes take place and Britain joins the Common Market. He says the party is Trade Union based and so he feels most Labour supporters will be against the decision to join the Common Market.
Common Market; MP's; European Community
Production company : Anglia Television
Distributor : John Swinfield
Lowestoft To Have Private Poll On The Common Market
Genre: Television / News / Politics
Locations: Lowestoft (Suffolk)
Description Type: monographic
Related to: Anglia news
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