Summerhill School: The School Where You Can Get What You Like [outtakes]

1963 , Leiston (Suffolk)

Production footage from an Anglia Television profile of Summerhill School.

At the Summerhill School, an independent boarding school in Suffolk, a school meeting is taking place. Held regularly, the meetings ensure that staff and pupils have equal say in the running of the school as a democratic community, operated according to founder A.S. Neill's belief that a school should be made to fit the child, rather than making the child fit the school. This production footage from an About Anglia profile features large excerpts from a school meeting, where various proposals are debated and discussed. A.S. Neill leads a discussion about food wastage, but his proposal to limit the times at which pupils can visit the local shop is voted down in favour of smaller lunch time portions and a concerted effort to avoid wastage. Other proposals are debated and Mr Neill calls for performers for his play, before the meeting chairman records material for inserts into the final film, followed by female pupils dancing and a brief exterior shot of the school building.

Featured Buildings

Summerhill School


Alternative education; Colleges; Democracy; Education; Liberalism; Progressive; Schools

  • Production company : Anglia Television

  • Director : Harry Aldous

  • Camera : Peter Fuller


Summerhill School: The School Where You Can Get What You Like [outtakes]

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