"Corby News" - A New Paper For A New Town
1962 , Corby (Northamptonshire)
Cat no. 137244
Anglia Television news report on the introduction of a new paper, the "Corby News".
A paper boy delivers the “Corby News” to local residents. Among the industrial buildings and town centre shops and offices stands the “Corby News” headquarters. Anglia Television reporter John McGregor interviews a member of staff at the newspaper office about the new publication; probing about its purpose, content and editorial style. Casually smoking a cigarette, the journalist discusses Corby News’s fellow newspaper rivals – the Evening Telegraph and the Corby Leader, pointing out the potential diversity of its intended readership. Interview with Eric, features and sports writer, asking about his professional background as a journalist, and prompting him to respond to accusations that the Corby News’s editorial style is merely sensationalist. Next, John McGregor looks in on a photo shoot with a bikini model and interviews the paper’s picture editor and photographer, again asking about his professional journalistic background and the nature of the paper’s advertising. McGregor interviews Barbara, the paper’s receptionist-turned-model, and Corby resident, asking what local people think of the new tabloid. Picture Editor, Tom, delivers his photos to the editorial team to look over, and John McGregor winds up his report on what he describes as a new type of “provincial journalism”.
Newspapers; Media
Production company : Anglia Television
Interviewer : John McGregor
"Corby News" - A New Paper For A New Town
- Barcode
- INV356280
- Canonical Title
- Unknown
- Carrier Type
- MP4 H264 digital
- Dimension
- Duration
- Modification Date
- 26/11/2011
- Parts
- Reference
- 734540
- Barcode
- INV332354
- Canonical Title
- Unknown
- Carrier Type
- MP4 H264 digital
- Dimension
- Duration
- Modification Date
- 17/10/2011
- Parts
- Reference
- 732318
- Barcode
- INV347890
- Canonical Title
- Unknown
- Carrier Type
- MP4 H264 digital
- Dimension
- Duration
- Modification Date
- 17/10/2011
- Parts
- Reference
- 732315
- Activities
- Barcode
- INV358513
- Canonical Title
- Unknown
- Carrier Type
- DV digital
- Dimension
- Duration
- Modification Date
- 10/05/2011
- Parts
- Reference
- 707880
- Activities
- Barcode
- INV221999
- Canonical Title
- Unknown
- Carrier Type
- master digital
- Dimension
- Duration
- Has Sound
- N
- Modification Date
- 18/05/2009
- Parts
- Reference
- 679895
- Sound
- silent
- Activities
- Barcode
- INV156813
- Canonical Identifier
- 1757/62
- Canonical Title
- Unknown
- Carrier Details
- Carrier Type
- 16mm film
- Colour Type
- bw
- Duration
- Has Image
- N
- Has Sound
- Y
- Identifier
- Image Polarity
- unknown
- Modification Date
- 29/03/2007
- Parts
- Reference
- 584690
- Sound
- sound
- Sound System
- mag full width
- Activities
- Barcode
- INV155314
- Canonical Identifier
- 1757/62
- Canonical Title
- Unknown
- Carrier Details
- Carrier Type
- 16mm film
- Colour Type
- bw
- Duration
- Has Image
- Y
- Has Sound
- Y
- Identifier
- Image Polarity
- unknown
- Modification Date
- 29/03/2007
- Parts
- Reference
- 584681
- Sound
- sound
- Sound System
- mag stripe
Genre: Television / News
Locations: Corby (Northamptonshire)
Description Type: monographic
Related to: About Anglia
Related to: Anglia news
Subject: Corby News / news reporting / journalism
Copyright restrictions apply.
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