Norwich City Library
1961 , Norwich (Norfolk)
Cat no. 128898
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General views of Norwich City Library and the preparations for the new building
Countdown film leader starts. Close up of men digging foundations for new library building. Shot of the current library's facade, with cars passing in front. Close up of Central Public Library sign. Camera pans up trowel presented by Miss Lucy Bignold in May 1921. General views of the inside of the library, with a receptionist checking out books and people searching shelves. Camera pans up to the children's section. A woman looks at several books in the 'just returned' section and shows them to the camera. The camera pans along a shelf full of history books. Close up of sign saying 'audible conversation not permitted'. A man enters the library. More general views of people reading and taking books out. Close up of old letters bearing seals. Books, surveys and coats of arms shown in detail. A man works at a conservation station, repairing an historical document. Close ups of a display of recently added books. Images of the plan for the new library are brought out of a drawer for a close up. A man exits the library.
Featured Buildings
Norwich City Library
Libraries; Public services; Archives; Archive conservation; Construction
Background Information
The new building would later be destroyed by a fire caused by an electrical fault in 1994, and replaced with the Millennium Library in the Forum on the same site.
Production company : Anglia Television
Norwich City Library
Genre: News
Locations: Norwich (Norfolk)
Description Type: monographic
Related to: About Anglia
Related to: Anglia news
Subject: Norwich City Library
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