Dickie Jeeps At Braintree V Norwich Rugby Game

1974 , Braintree (Essex)

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New clubhouse unveiled at the Braintree vs. Norwich match

The new clubhouse of Braintree Rugby Club is opened as a plaque is unveiled to a round of applause by Dickie Jeeps, former scrum-half for England. The camera then pans round to a closer shot of the plaque, showing Jeeps' name engraved upon it. The rugby ball is placed on the pitch and Jeeps drop-kicks it to begin the game. General views of the game underway. Norwich receive the ball after a tackle and a player scores a try against Braintree.

Featured Buildings

Braintree Rugby Club clubhouse

Featured Events

Braintree vs. Norwich rugby match


Sport; Rugby; Commemoration; Bar


Dickie Jeeps At Braintree V Norwich Rugby Game

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