[International Teddy Boys' Hop]

1979 , Caister-on-Sea (Norfolk)

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Anglia TV news footage of Teds arriving for the inaugural International Teddy Boys' Hop at Caister's Holiday Camp on the Norfolk Coast, set to rock and roll music.

Rock and roll music plays as Teddy Boys arrive at Caister’s Holiday Camp for the International Teddy Boys' Hop. A car with a Teddy Boy sitting on the window ledge drives through the middle of the road. Groups of people dressed up walk down the road. Shots of cars driving into the car park followed by a close up of a girl's outfit. Sign saying ‘Welcome to the First International Weekend Hop 1979.’ Teds stand in front of a building called ‘Neptune’s Palace.’ More close ups of people’s clothing. A group of Teds walk past the camera and up the road with a close up of the boys' shoes. Another group of Teds play the guitar and hit drumsticks on a wooden chair outside, followed by a close up of a girl wearing a red hat and a close up of a girl drinking. Groups of Teds walk up the street in hats as a red van drives through the middle. Another group of Teddy Boys wearing brightly coloured jackets walk into the building. A girl wearing a pink skirt also walks into the building. A group wearing leopard print hats and leopard print jacket lapels looks at the camera. A close up of one member of the group smoking a cigarette followed by a close up of people’s shoes. Couple walking past the camera arm in arm and another holding hands. One boy gets his shoe stolen. A Teddy Boy combes his hair and a group stops to look at photographs on the wall. Another Teddy Boy walks past wearing an Elvis t-shirt. A car drives down the road as more groups walk past.

Featured Buildings

Neptune’s Palace, Haven Holiday Park, Caister-on-Sea, Norfolk

Featured Events

The first International Weekend Hop, 1979.


Fashion; Holiday Camps; Music; Rock and Roll; Subcultures; Teenagers.


[International Teddy Boys' Hop]

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