Ipswich Captain John Louis Gives Tuition In 3-Day Training Course
1978 , Mildenhall (Suffolk)
Cat no. 99370
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On the Mildenhall speedway track, riders make circuits in training as John Louis stands ready to flag them down and people watch from behind the concrete barrier. John Louis offers advice to the riders on co-ordinating brain and throttle at the start of the race. They ride round again. John Louis reprimands one rider for doing a wheelie on the straight. Another rider, Nigel, is asked what he has got out of the course so far. Nigel says it helps with technique, and describes a mishap earlier in the day when he wrote off his own bike. On the circuit, riders have fallen from their bikes as others continue to steer around them. John Louis is interviewed about how far it is possible to teach a speedway rider, and how much is natural ability. The interviewer Steve Rider then asks John Louis if he can help a novice like himself. The film ends with shots of Steve Rider making slow progress round the course after a push start.
Sport: Speedway; Motor cycles; Training
Background Information
John "Tiger" Louis, born 14 June 1941, is an English international motorcycle speedway rider who rode for Ipswich, Newport, West Ham, Oxford, Wembley, Halifax and King's Lynn during his career.
Production company : Anglia Television
Presenter : Steve Rider
Ipswich Captain John Louis Gives Tuition In 3-Day Training Course
Genre: Television / News / Sport
Locations: Mildenhall (Suffolk)
Description Type: monographic
Related to: Anglia news
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