Friends Of The Earth Were Outside The Commons To Await The Announcement On Sizewell B
1987 , Sizewell (Suffolk)
Cat no. 72322
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Interview about the future of opposition to Sizewell B following government support for the expansion plan after the public inquiry.
Outside the Houses of Parliament, Stewart Boyle of environmental campaign group Friends of the Earth responds to the news that development of the nuclear power station at Sizewell, Suffolk will have government support. He says this is not a surprise as Energy minister Peter Walker had made up his mind months ago. Anglia TV reporter Rebecca Atherstone asks what FOE and other protest groups will do now as fervent opponents of the project. He says they have a lot planned including a big demonstration on the anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. Local objectors will continue to organise long-term opposition. Asked if the Sizewell B decision is irrevocable, Stewart Boyle mentions the forthcoming general election. A few seconds of audio have been edited out at the end of this report. This video was made to be shown in a news story on Anglia Television early evening news / magazine programme About Anglia.
Sizewell power station; Nuclear power; Protest; Campaigning
Additional Description
The Sizewell B public inquiry was held 1982 – 1985. In early 1987 Sir Frank Layfield, the chairman of the inquiry, reported that, subject to a satisfactory safety case, there were no substantive reasons why the next phase of the Sizewell B nuclear power project should not proceed. Stewart Boyle was on the national staff of Friends of the Earth as energy campaigner during the Chernobyl disaster in 1984.
Friends Of The Earth Were Outside The Commons To Await The Announcement On Sizewell B
Category: Non-fiction
Locations: Sizewell (Suffolk) / Westminster, London (Other)
Work Type: Television
Description Type: monographic
Related to: Anglia news
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