Sports Day and Coronation Celebrations

1953 , Harleston (Norfolk)

Amateur footage documenting Harleston’s Sports Day and Coronation Carnival in 1953.

The film includes footage of the prizes on offer for competitors, mainly silverware; flower displays; the Committee tent; activities for visitors, including a zip wire and fete competitions to win prizes; and the athletics events, including the javelin, track races and high jump. There are shots of the deserted village sports ground, including the toilet buildings, at the end of the day, with one man collecting rubbish from the area, and others packing away tents. There is footage of the community celebrations in Harleston on the Saturday preceding the Queen’s Coronation in 1953. The commercial and private buildings in the centre of Harleston are festively decorated with Union Flag bunting, as the street prepare to celebrate the Queen’s Coronation. Crowds line the streets, and a carnival procession passes through the centre, featuring many floats and costumed participants.

Featured Events

Harleston Sports Day, August [Bank Holiday] Monday Harleston Coronation Celebration Carnival Procession, Saturday 30th May 1953


Carnivals; Celebrations; Coronations; Flower shows; Queen Elizabeth II; Sports


Sports Day and Coronation Celebrations

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