Victory Day
1946 , London (Other)
Cat no. 1232
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Victory Day Parade attended by the Royal family and Sir Winston Churchill.
A high-angle shot shows the King and Queen, accompanied by Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret, travelling in a carriage. The carriage stops and they alight. They greet Sir Winston Churchill and other dignitaries. The Queen greets Queen Mary. The march past includes bands and brigades of soldiers. There is a close up shot of the King and Queen who watch from a dais. A high angle shot of the procession shows tanks and bridge building equipment from the Royal Engineers. There is a close-up shot of Sir Winston Churchill wearing his medals.The parade passes under Marble Arch. There is a shot of Nelson's Column in Trafalgar Square showing a fly past by the RAF. The parade continues. It includes detachments from the India Army and the WRENS. It also includes those who served in a non-military capacity, including nurses, land girls and miners. These shots of the parade are intercut with shots of the Royal Family and of shots of the crowd. The final scene shows a high-angle shot of the crowds in Trafalgar Square
Featured Buildings
Marble Arch; Nelson's Column
Featured Events
Victory Day Parade, London, 1946
Royal family; Victory celebrations; World War II
Background Information
British Movietone News was the first sound newsreel. It broadcast from June 1929
Production company : British Movietone
Victory Day
Sequence Details:
Group 1:
- Part Number: 888
- Parts Unit: Series
Group 1:
Locations: London (Other)
Description Type: monographic
Related to: British Movietone News. Series 888
Subject: Royal family / victory celebrations / Winston Churchill / ports / harbours / parades / motor racing / motorcycle racing
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