Mr Gowing's Films Of North Norfolk

1938 -1939 , Cromer (Norfolk)

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A number of films made by Gowing of Norfolk including footage of a dedication service to the Holt Ambulance service, a plane wreckage and carnival scenes.

The first of these films shows the Dedication Service of the Holt Ambulance taking place in Holt Market Square on 29 May 1938. Mr. Francis Wortley, the President of the Holt Division S.J.A.B makes a speech followed by Russell J. Colman, ESQ, Lord Lieutenant Of Norfolk and then the Rt. Hon Viscount Bury M.C. There are brief shots of members of St. John's Ambulance treating a colleague for heat exhaustion. The dedication service is performed by Rev. H.A. King, Rector of Holt. The second film depicts the construction of Cromer Police Station on Holt Road during 1939. A lorry pulls away belonging to H. Bullen & Son, Builders and Contractors. This is followed by shots of the completed Police Station and of the Police houses next to it. At the end of this sequence an LNER steam train pulls into Cromer Beach Station. The third film shows exterior shots of Roys of Wroxham and general town scenes including shoppers and a Roys of Wroxham delivery van pulling away. The fourth film is an advertisement for 'Drive Yourself Hire Service.' It is entirely composed of intertitles. The fifth film is a short sequence showing an RAF Plane which has crashed at West Runton on 14 July 1939. The wreckage is being inspected by civilians and the police. The sixth film shows a mock air raid at Sheringham on 4 July, 1939. ARP wardens take cars and bicycles to their destinations. The pretend casualties are rescued and a fire is put out. The pretend casualties are taken to a casualty station. The final sequences show Carnival Scenes at Cromer, a number of fire engines arrive, once parked one engine is extremely popular with the children. There are exterior and interior shots of A. Gowing's shop in Sheringham and the film ends with a woman pushing a pram along a path.

Featured Events

The Dedication Service of the Holt Ambulance, May 29th, 1938


Carnival; Ceremony; Second World War


Mr. Francis Wortley, the President of the Holt Division S.J.A.B. asking the LORD LIEUTENANT OF NORFOLK, RUSSELL J. COLMAN, ESQ, to receive the ambulance for service in the County. The LORD LIEUTENANT addressing the gathering. The Rt. Hon VISCOUNT BURY M.C. accepting the ambulance on behalf of the Order. A most unfortunate incident during the ceremony. The Cromer Ambulance man fainted from the heat of the sun. Dedication by the Rev. H.A. King, Rector of Holt. Cromer's New Police Station Under construction. The First Of The Food By Roys. If you think about going out for the day with your family, drive yourself with a car from...Drive Yourself Hire Service. Station Road, Sheringham. Phone 211.Or...Number Nine, Bernard Road, Cromer. Phone 2292. Most cars have been fitted with latest car radio. So What? So have one. An RAF plane crashed at West Runton on 14th July '39. Sheringham's Mock Air Raid. Workers turned out in great style for this mock air raid held on July 4th, 1939.

Other Places

Holt; Sheringham; West Runton

Background Information

Gowing's Shop was opposite the 'Little Theatre' on the site of what is now Sheringham Post Office. (c. 1997.)


Mr Gowing's Films Of North Norfolk

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