The Prince Of Wales At Bedford School
1933 , Bedford (Bedfordshire)
Cat no. 1067
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The Prince of Wales visits Bedford School.
The film opens with a high-angle shot of the Prince of Wales arriving at the school and being greeted by the Headmaster. There are crowds watching. A flag is unfurled. The commentary explains that the visit has had to be postponed for a week because the Prince had a cold. HRH inspects the School's Army Cadet Corps, accompanied by the Commanding Officer. He enters the new science building. The commentary explains that this was designed by 'an old boy ... to combine dignity with utility'. There is a shot of a group of boys. The film ends with the Prince leaving through two rows of cheering boys.
Featured Buildings
Bedford School
Featured Events
The visit of HRH The Prince of Wales to Bedford School
Royal visits; Schools
Background Information
Henry Weddle Liddle was headmaster of Bedford School from 1922 to 1946. British Movietone News was the first sound newsreel. It broadcast from June 1929.
Production company : British Movietone
The Prince Of Wales At Bedford School
Genre: Newsreel
Locations: Bedford (Bedfordshire)
Description Type: monographic
Related to: British Movietone News
Subject: royal visits / Henry Weddle Little / Edward, Prince of Wales / Bedford School
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