Fertilisers In East Anglia
1952 , Great Yarmouth (Norfolk)
Cat no. 983
Promotional film made by Case and Steward, manufacturers of fertiliser products.
A ship unloads potash, an ingredient for granular compound fertiliser, at Great Yarmouth harbour and quay. Next, the interior of the stores where the Case and Steward fertiliser is mixed. Preparation of the fertiliser is shown in detail. It is bagged and stacked by forklift trucks. In the laboratory, samples are tested. Methods of moving fertiliser bags are demonstrated at an agricultural show and on the farm, including tractor mounted equipment. There is both liquid and solid fertiliser equipment. A description is given of the different fertilisers available and how they should be used. Sugar beet, carrots, potatoes and corn are shown, grown with and without fertiliser application. The final image is of Norwich castle.
Featured Buildings
Case and Steward Factory; Norwich Castle
Agriculture; Fertilisers
Production company : Case and Steward
Fertilisers In East Anglia
Genre: Promotional / Agriculture
Locations: Great Yarmouth (Norfolk)
Description Type: monographic
Subject: fertilisers / Case and Steward
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