Ripe Earth
1938 , Thaxted (Essex)
Cat no. 957
Documentary made by John and Roy Boulting focusing on harvest time.
Early morning scenes around a farm, featuring pigs, chickens, geese and cattle. The livestock are let out into the sunshine. A tractor pulls a binder while boys and men stand in a cornfield waiting for rabbits to break cover. Two rabbits are shot. The sheaves of corn are stood up to dry in stooks, before farm workers relax and eat lunch by a hedge. The sheaves are pitched into wagons and carted to the stack. At a local windmill, the grain is ground. There are scenes of Morris Dancing and a harvest supper. In the local church the Reverend Conrad Noel leads the harvest thanksgiving service.
Featured Buildings
Thaxted Parish Church
Farm workers; Farming; Harvesting; Morris dancing; Religious services; Windmills
Background Information
Documentary made by John and Roy Boulting before they became famous for their cinema feature films.
Producer : John Boulting
Director : Roy Boulting
Camera : Ken Perry
Editor : Roy Boulting
Script : Lionel Harrow
Commentator : Leo Genn
Production company : Charter Films
Ripe Earth
Category: Non-fiction
Genre: Documentary / Agriculture
Locations: Thaxted (Essex)
Work Type: Film
Description Type: monographic
Subject: morris dancing / windmills / Rev. Conrad Noel / harvesting / harvest suppers / farming / agricultural workers / harvest festival services
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