Rapier Truck Mixers
1961 , Ipswich (Suffolk)
Cat no. 829
Film advocating the convenience and space saving properties of the Rapier truck mixers, made by Ransomes and Rapier of Ipswich: ready mixed concrete is delivered to building sites and piped directly into foundations.
At Road Machine Limited's London batching site, a Rapier truck mixer is loaded and goes to a building site in Oxford Street. In the countryside, truck mixers pour concrete into the footings of a house building project. Rapier machinery at a Midlands quarry, possibly Rugby, takes concrete to building sites and to a sea defence project. More sites feature: one at a farm, one in London. Other applications are shown; truck mixers are seen under construction at the Ransome and Rapier works.
Featured Buildings
Ransomes and Rapier Works.
Building construction, Concrete; Sea defences
Other Places
London, The Midlands
Background Information
Gilbert Hawker, who lived in Ipswich, made several films for Ransomes and Rapier after leaving Boulton and Hawker Films. Ransomes and Rapier, dating back to 1869 and an offshoot of Ransomes, specialised in equipment for the railways, water engineering and earth excavation.
Maker : Gilbert Hawker Films
Sponsor : Ransomes and Rapier
Rapier Truck Mixers
Genre: Industrial / Sponsored Film / Promotional
Locations: Ipswich (Suffolk)
Description Type: monographic
Subject: Ransomes and Rapier / concrete / building construction
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