Helicopter Rescue

1959 , Felixstowe (Suffolk)

An Royal Air Force Coastal Command helicopter conducting an exercise off the Felixstowe base.

Responding to an emergency telephone call, the crew scramble into action. Aerial views from the cockpit scour the coastline until the distress flare is spotted in the water. A winchman takes one crew member from the boat, while another is rescued from the waves. In a close-up from beneath the helicopter, the winch controller guides the line, and an interior shot shows the winchman bringing the rescued sailor on board.

Featured Buildings

Control tower RAF helicopter base, Felixstowe.

Featured Events

Air sea rescue exercise


Air-sea rescues; RAF Coastal Command

Background Information

"RAF Felixstowe was a Flying Boat Base, situated at the extreme southwest end of the town, (close to the container port). The site was jointly used by the RAF and Royal Navy. RAF Felixstowe was also home to the Marine Aircraft Experimental Establishment (MAEE), a RAF marine air-sea rescue unit with two high speed launches operating from the then Felixstowe Dock, and a RN detachment who looked after a number of motor torpedo boats which were laid up in one of the hangars. A mobile radar convoy was stored on the camp. The equipment for the naval boom defence of the estuary was stored near the dock." (from http://military-genealogy.forcesreunited.org.uk)


Helicopter Rescue

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