Serving Their Country
1916 , Willingale (Essex)
Cat no. 762
A newsreel story highlighting the need for women and horses in wartime work on the land.
Women land workers are at work in the fields, wearing long dresses and bonnets. One of them sharpens a bagging hook, and a group clear weeds and undergrowth from the edge of a field. They hoe between rows of potatoes. The horse mentioned in the intertitle, wounded at the Battle of Loos, is watered at a stone trough in the farmyard and then ridden side-saddle back to work. The final scene shows one of the land women feeding the piglets in the farmyard. Hens are also running around.
Farms; Horses; War effort; Women workers; World War I
The horse which was wounded in the Battle of Loos, still doing his bit for the Country, helping the women working on an Essex Farm.
Production company : Topical Film Company
Serving Their Country
- Barcode
- INV384631
- Canonical Title
- Unknown
- Carrier Type
- MP4 H264 digital
- Dimension
- Duration
- Modification Date
- 08/10/2015
- Parts
- Reference
- 738531
- Barcode
- INV346470
- Canonical Title
- Unknown
- Carrier Type
- MP4 H264 digital
- Dimension
- Duration
- Modification Date
- 08/10/2015
- Parts
- Reference
- 738320
- Barcode
- INV354866
- Canonical Title
- Unknown
- Carrier Type
- MP4 H264 digital
- Dimension
- Duration
- Modification Date
- 08/10/2015
- Parts
- Reference
- 738109
- Barcode
- INV327692
- Canonical Title
- Unknown
- Carrier Type
- DV digital
- Dimension
- Duration
- Modification Date
- 20/01/2015
- Parts
- Reference
- 737144
- Activities
- Barcode
- INV320307
- Canonical Title
- Unknown
- Carrier Type
- master digital
- Dimension
- Duration
- Modification Date
- 20/06/2014
- Parts
- Reference
- 737012
- Barcode
- INV338562
- Canonical Title
- Unknown
- Carrier Type
- MP4 H264 digital
- Dimension
- Duration
- Modification Date
- 04/11/2011
- Parts
- Reference
- 733175
- Barcode
- INV394608
- Canonical Title
- Unknown
- Carrier Type
- MP4 H264 digital
- Dimension
- Duration
- Modification Date
- 04/11/2011
- Parts
- Reference
- 733172
- Barcode
- INV326846
- Canonical Title
- Unknown
- Carrier Type
- MP4 H264 digital
- Dimension
- Duration
- Modification Date
- 04/11/2011
- Parts
- Reference
- 733171
- Activities
- Barcode
- INV393862
- Canonical Title
- Unknown
- Carrier Type
- DV digital
- Dimension
- Duration
- Modification Date
- 04/11/2011
- Parts
- Reference
- 733128
- Barcode
- INV426323
- Canonical Identifier
- VP-1511
- Canonical Title
- Unknown
- Carrier Details
- Carrier Type
- 16mm film
- Colour System
- bw
- Colour Type
- bw
- Dimension
- Duration
- Has Image
- Y
- Has Sound
- N
- Identifier
- Image Polarity
- pos
- Modification Date
- 26/05/2011
- Parts
- Reference
- 713084
- Sound
- silent
- Activities
- Barcode
- INV239629
- Canonical Identifier
- TB 1940
- Canonical Title
- Unknown
- Carrier Type
- DVD disk
- Dimension
- Identifier
- Modification Date
- 21/08/2008
- Parts
- Reference
- 676183
- Activities
- Barcode
- INV216808
- Canonical Identifier
- TB 1941
- Canonical Title
- Unknown
- Carrier Type
- DVD disk
- Dimension
- Identifier
- Modification Date
- 21/08/2008
- Parts
- Reference
- 676182
- Activities
- Barcode
- INV156463
- Canonical Identifier
- TB 800
- Canonical Title
- Unknown
- Carrier Type
- BetacamSP tape
- Dimension
- Identifier
- Modification Date
- 24/07/2008
- Parts
- Reference
- 673828
- Activities
- Barcode
- INV277947
- Canonical Title
- Unknown
- Carrier Type
- master digital
- Colour Type
- bw
- Dimension
- Duration
- Has Sound
- N
- Modification Date
- 20/05/2008
- Parts
- Reference
- 670765
- Sound
- silent
- Barcode
- INV272814
- Canonical Identifier
- A-1577
- Canonical Title
- Unknown
- Carrier Type
- 35mm film
- Identifier
- Image Polarity
- positive
- Modification Date
- 25/06/2021
- Parts
- Reference
- 656272
- Barcode
- INV230273
- Canonical Identifier
- VP-81
- Canonical Title
- Unknown
- Duration
- Identifier
- Modification Date
- 25/06/2021
- Parts
- Reference
- 563348
- Barcode
- INV??1650
- Canonical Identifier
- B-542
- Canonical Title
- Unknown
- Carrier Type
- 16mm film
- Colour Type
- bw
- Has Sound
- N
- Identifier
- Image Polarity
- positive
- Modification Date
- 25/06/2021
- Parts
- Reference
- 562540
- Sound
- silent
Sequence Details:
Group 1:
- Part Number: 256
- Parts Unit: Series
Group 1:
Genre: Newsreel / Wartime / Archive Alive
Locations: Willingale (Essex)
Description Type: monographic
Related to: Topical Budget. Series 256
Subject: Willingdale / World War I / Warden's Hall Farm, Willingdale / farming / war effort / horses / land girls
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