Clacton Centenary

1971 , Clacton-on-Sea (Essex)

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A history of Clacton-on-Sea on the occasion of its centenary.

School children look around the exhibition about the Clacton's Centenary Festival. John Myatt, standing on Clacton Pier, interviews Terry Barker, a local historian, who tells of the history of Clacton. His interview and Myatt's commentary are heard over archive photographs, intercut with shots of modern Clacton. Sequences deal with the rise of the holiday industry; showing holidaymakers on the beach and the growth of hotels, such as the Grand. Many of these are no longer used as such and a shot of one hotel shows it to be used as St. Osyth's Training College. The paddle steamers and the growth of the Pier is told as is the story of the lifeboat service in Clacton. There is a still of a poster advertising the paddle steamer. The film shows shots of the Osbourne Hotel before closing with further pictures of school children at the Centenary Festival Exhibition.

Featured Buildings

Clacton Pier; The Grand Hotel; The Osbourne Hotel

Featured Events

The Clacton Centenary Festival


Centenaries; Holidays; Piers; Seaside; Tourism


Clacton Centenary

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