A Tale to Tell

1961 , Whatfield (Suffolk)

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School children prepare for a puppet show and jumble sale.

An item from the episode `A Tale to Tell' in the BBC East `Outlook' series. This story begins with a close-up shot of a bundle of old clothes. The camera zooms out to show two school boys arriving at their class with bundles of old clothes that they store in a cupboard. Other children arrive with clothes also. One of the children a girl called Elizabeth sets her heart on a green silk dress and announces her intention to buy it at the sale. The next scene is set after the sale and the children are filmed with their purchases, including a vase, some comics and one boy with half a dozen hats. Elizabeth is unhappy as she was unable to buy the dress. She accuses another girl and they argue. The children leave school at the end of the school year and they continue to argue. Back at school again after the school holidays, the two are friends. The children prepare for a puppet show and are seen making puppets out of paper mache. The silk dress turns up in the rag bag.


Children; Jumble sales

Background Information

This episode of Outlook was entitled `A Tale To Tell' In the studio were F.R. Buckley, Reg Drake, Gwen Dunn, Bob Roberts, John Seymour and James Wentworth Day. Gwen Dunn also appears in another BBC film made by Malcolm Freegard. Suffolk. `A Celebration Of Midsummer'.


A Tale to Tell

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