De Stad Norwich
1929 , Norwich (Norfolk)
Cat no. 630
A Dutch travelogue offering a different perspective of Norwich.
Panoramic views over the rooftops of Norwich. This is followed by a fairly fast succession of views, mainly showing Norwich's tourist attractions, but including some out of the ordinary footage. The film shows the ruined Boom towers and Cow Tower. There is a long shot of the Cathedral. There are shots of the Castle Gardens, taken from the battlements of Norwich Castle. There is a lengthy section showing Earlham Hall. This includes shots of the front of the house, the rock garden and the trees in the grounds. There are shots of Princes Street, although the camera angle gives little idea as to the appearance of the street before redevelopment. There are shots of Tombland including the Maids Head Hotel and the Samson and Hercules Ballroom, with a close up shot of the figures. The camera moves to Tombland Alley to film the back of Augustine Steward's House before a sequence that features Bishops Bridge. At the port area of the Riverside there are wherries, barges and lighters by the timber yards and other depots. There are shots taken in Woodlands Park before film of St. Helen's hospital. Elderly men sit outside the hospital and play bowls. There is a brief shot of a flint-fronted house in the close before film of Elm Hill. Here there are exterior shots of the Craft Shop and the sign. The film finishes with a lengthy sequence shot inside the Craft Shop. This shows hand looms and a spinning wheel in use.
Featured Buildings
Augustine Steward's House; Bishops Bridge; Boom towers; Cow Tower; Earlham Hall; Maids Head Hotel; Norwich Cathedral; Samson and Hercules Ballroom; St. Helen's Hospital; The Elm Hill Craft Shop
Beroemd Door Zym. Cathedraal, Kasteel. Kerken en Zeer Oude Straten. Boom towers once guarded the river. Glimpses of old Norwich. Earlham Hall. The rock Gardens. Christmas Trees. Chestnut avenue. Glimpses of Princes Street.Tombland. Bishop Bridge. On which a city gate once stood. The site of the gate. Norwich is also a port. Scenes by the riverside. Woodlands. St. Helen's Hospital. A quiet game of bowls.
De Stad Norwich
Genre: Portrait of a Place / Travel / Travelogue
Locations: Norwich (Norfolk)
Description Type: monographic
Subject: Elm Hill, Norwich / St Helen's Hospital, Norwich / Samson & Hercules Ballroom, Norwich / Elm Hill Craft Shop / cathedrals / bowls / castles
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