
1934 , Mildenhall (Suffolk)

Miss Ivy Base, one of the few coalwomen in Britain, delivering coal for Goodrems Coals, Mildenhall.

The opening sequence shows Ivy Base and another employee loading cwt sacks of coal onto the lorry. The second shows the lorry, registration number EW 7934, travelling along a street. The third shows Ivy Base and another employee unloading the lorry and carrying the sacks of coal to the coal shed. The final scene shows Miss Base in close-up with her dog.


Coal merchants; Coalmen; Women workers

Background Information

The premises of William L. Goodrem, coal and coke merchant, were on Kingsway. The film was made by one of the cameramen who were covering the Great Air Race at Mildenhall in 1934. He saw Ivy Base delivering coal and asked if he could film her, hoping that one of the newsreel companies would accept the film. To the best of the Archive's knowledge, none of them did but he gave Ivy Base a copy of he film he had made.



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