CWS Canning Factory (Short Version)

1930 , Lowestoft (Suffolk)

Sequences showing canning fish in a C.W.S. factory in Lowestoft taken from a longer film about the herring industry.

The film opens with an exterior shot of the factory and a shot of the C.W.S. flag. Inside the factory there are shots of the women preparing the fish for canning; these are intercut with herring being tipped straight from the cran into a machine where they are washed. The fish are placed in cans by the women and then put on a conveyer belt. At the other end of the belt they are stacked ready to go into the ovens. After cooking, the labels are put on by hand. Boxes are behind the worker.

Featured Buildings

The C.W.S. canning factory, Lowestoft


Canning; Factories; Fishing industries; Herrings; Women workers


The Canning Factory.


CWS Canning Factory (Short Version)

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