
1929 , Ipswich (Suffolk)

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Trolley buses in Ipswich town centre in 1929.

Trolley buses in Ipswich. It is filmed from a high camera position looking towards Tavern Street. The Town Hall and the Boer War Memorial are in view. The film shows general traffic on a working day. The trolley buses arrive and depart. As they are on lines, they cannot pull into the side of the road, people go out onto the road to board. There are also motor cars and bicycles. Congestion occurs and a white-coated traffic policeman intervenes to control traffic. Women stand in the road gossiping, safe in the knowledge that the trolley buses are confined to their lines.

Featured Buildings

The Town Hall, Ipswich


Traffic; trolley buses

Background Information

The Boer War Memorial was moved to Christchurch Park at a later date.



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