Presentation of Colours to 3rd Battalion, Suffolk Regiment

1912 , Bury St Edmunds (Suffolk)

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Princess Beatrice presents new colours to the 3rd Battalion Suffolk Regiment at Bury St Edmunds.

Civic dignitaries parade across the road and assemble. The camera cuts off most of their heads. Princess Beatrice arrives by horse-drawn carriage. She is presented with flowers in the carriage. At the parade ground, carriages and cars drive across. Their occupants, including Princess Beatrice, alight and assemble on the dais. A marching band precedes marching troops. The new colours are presented by Princess Beatrice. The dignitaries leave the platform. The camera pans the field to show massed ranks of clergy as well as troops. Three cheers are given and the dignitaries depart.

Featured Events

Princess Beatrice presents new colours to the 3rd Battalion of the Suffolk Regiment at Bury St. Edmunds, c. 1912


Ceremonies; Presentation of Colours; Royalty; Suffolk Regiment


England: Presentation of new colors to the Suffolk Regiment at Bury St. Edmunds.

Background Information

This may be an item from an American newsreel; the American spelling of `colours' is used and the piece is identified as 'England'.


Presentation of Colours to 3rd Battalion, Suffolk Regiment

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