Norwich Greets Scharnhorst Victors

1944 , Norwich (Norfolk)

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The Lord Mayor of Norwich meets the Captain of HMS Norfolk.

The film begins with three shots, one a high-angle shot, showing a band and the crew of HMS Norfolk marching past the City Hall. The Guildhall can be seen in the background. There is a close-up shot of the crowd waving to the camera. The Lord Mayor of Norwich is presented with the ensign by Captain Bain of HMS Norfolk on the steps of the City Hall. Captain Bain gives a speech in which he alludes to Nelson and to the victory of HMS Norfolk on the 26th December, 1943. The film ends with a close up shot of the very battered ensign.

Featured Buildings

City Hall; Guildhall

Featured Events

The ensign of HMS Norfolk is presented to the City of Norwich

Background Information

The Scharnhorst. The Scharnhorst was sunk on December 28th, 1943. There were actually very few Norfolk men serving on HMS Norfolk. One of these was Reg Ethridge who recalls that; It was ruddy cold ... We were hit twice and on fire. There were about six people killed and several burnt. We still carried on chasing her to stop her going back to Norway. (Eastern Daily Press, December 23rd, 1993.) William J. Finch. William J. Finch was a railwayman. Born in Shoeburyness, he moved to Norwich with his family at the age of five. He was a trades union official. He was elected Labour councillor for Ber Street Ward in 1933. He was Sheriff in 1940 and a magistrate from 1934.

  • Production company : British Movietone News

  • Narrator : Leslie Mitchell (reporter)


Norwich Greets Scharnhorst Victors

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