Empire Day and British Legion Fete
1928 , Norwich (Norfolk)
Cat no. 454
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Empire Day Events in Norwich
The first of these short newsreel items shows the Deputy Lord Mayor, Ethel Colman, posing with the Headmaster and with her sister before the entrance of the City of Norwich School. The Deputy Lord Mayor wears civic regalia; the Headmaster wears his academic robes. There is a shot of young children in fancy dress in passing in front of the Colman Road School. The second film shows the Lord Mayor of Norwich opening the British Legion Fete. This may be Herbert Gowan or Herbert Witard. The Lord Mayor gives a speech from a dais. There are shots of a children's race and of a bowls match. At the end there is a brief shot of the prize winners with the Lord Mayor. The Lord Mayor appears informal. He is wearing his chain of office with a suit.
Featured Buildings
City of Norwich School; Colman Road School
Featured Events
Empire Day, 1928; The British Legion Fete, 1928
Empire Day; Fetes; Royal British Legion; Schools
Empire Day 1928. The Deputy Lord Mayor (Miss E.M. Colman) and Miss H.C. Colman, at the City of Norwich and Colman Road Schools.Scenes of the British Legion Fete at Norwich, opened by the Lord Mayor.
Background Information
Empire Day was inaugurated in 1902. It became known as Commonwealth Day in 1958 and from 1966 it was celebrated as the Official Birthday of the Sovereign. Ethel Colman had previously been Lord Mayor of Norwich in 1923 - 1924. Her younger sister, Helen, served as her Deputy Lord Mayor. They were both actively involved in the women's suffrage movement. She took an active interests in the welfare of Colmans' employees and often taught at the day school. She was Deputy Lord Mayor to Herbert Witard, Norwich's first Labour Lord Mayor.
Empire Day and British Legion Fete
Genre: Newsreel
Locations: Norwich (Norfolk)
Description Type: monographic
Subject: Mayor of Norwich / fetes / Royal British Legion / fancy dress / headmasters / Empire Day / City of Norwich School / Ethel Colman / Helen Colman / Colman Road Middle School, Norwich
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