Homage to his Comrades

1927 , Norwich (Norfolk)

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Ex-private B.A. Withers unveils a war memorial to local victims of Word War I.

The Mayor and his party, accompanied by ex-private Withers, arrive at the War Memorial in front of the Guildhall, in Norwich. A clergyman conducts a choir. Chamberlin's department store can be seen in the background. Mr. Withers walks with the aid of a stick. A high-angle shot shows the crowds in Gentleman's Walk and over the market place. The War Memorial is unveiled by Mr. Withers. There is a shot of seated veterans, most of whom are wearing medals. Mr. Withers is escorted to the Mayor's rostrum by General Sir Ian Hamilton and takes his seat. The film ends with a static shot of the eternal flame.

Featured Buildings

The Guildhall, Norwich; Chamberlin's Department Store, Norwich

Featured Events

Unveiling the Memorial to victims of World War One, 1927


Unveilings; War memorials; World War I


Norwich: Homage To His Comrades. Ex-Private B.A. Withers unveils Memorial to 3,500 men and women of the Eastern Counties.

Background Information

Bertie Alfred Withers had been chosen from many whose names were sent in by ex-servicemen's and other organisations. He had been a Private in the 4th Battalion of the Norfolk Regiment and had lost a leg in the Battle of Gaza. As he unveiled the memorial Private Withers spoke these words. "In the name of my comrades I unveil this memorial to the glory of God and in memory of the men and women of Norwich who gave their lives in the Great War. May God grant that their example may inspire us to courage in the greater was against all evil, and that their memory may burn brightly in those who remember their deeds, and strengthened by their fellowship look to reunion with them in the inheritance of the saints in light, through Jesus Christ Our Lord". The crowds in Gentlemen's Walk can be seen in this film. So great was the press of people that the St. John's Ambulance Brigade attended 21 casualties during the afternoon.As well as ex-servicemen, many of whom were disabled, six widows and six mothers were selected to represent the widows and bereaved of Norwich. They were allowed to file past the memorial first, in preference to all others. Chamberlin's department store is now the Tesco Metro store.


Homage to his Comrades

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