Born in Norwich
1965 , Norwich (Norfolk)
Cat no. 314
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The history of Norwich Union.
This film describes the history of the Norwich Union Insurance Societies, including the company, its buildings and of the people who ran the company. Most of this is conveyed by a commentary voiced over stills. There is some contemporary film of Norwich. These shots include exterior and interior shots of the various Norwich Union buildings and film of the Norwich Union directors and officers. The film begins with aerial scenes of Norwich taken from Mousehold Heath. There follow shots of modern Norwich, concentrating on civic and historic buildings. These include the Cathedral, the Castle, the Guildhall, the City Hall and various Norwich Churches.The history of the Norwich Union Insurance Companies is told from the inaugural meeting of the Norwich General Assurance Society in 1792 to the retirement of Sir Robert Bignold in May, 1964. This history includes the foundation of Bignold's second company, The Norwich Union Society, founded in 1797 and the later amalgamation with the earlier company. The foundation of the Life Society on June 18th, 1808 is told at length. In 1824 the Norwich Union set up its first overseas branch in Lisbon. In 1866 the Norwich Union amalgamated with the Amicable Society, the oldest Life Insurance Society, founded by charter from Queen Anne in 1706. Other mergers include the amalgamation with the Norwich and London Accident and Casualty Society in 1908. Shortly after the First World War, the Fire Society was bought out by Phoenix, but in June 1925, following negotiations by Sir George Chamberlain, the combined company was bought by the Life Society. The two have been run as one company since. In June of 1959, the Norwich Union bought the Scottish Union and National Insurance Company and in February 1961, the Norwich Union took over the Parcels and General Insurance Company. The original Norwich Union Insurance Company was the Fire Society. A sequence tells of the Union's fire service. By 1821, there were 25 crews across Britain. The uniform of the fire fighters is modelled and there are stills and static shots of an array of fire marks. The film also highlights the buildings of the Norwich Union and other buildings associated with the Bignold family. There are interior and exterior shots of the original Surrey Street building. This was the mansion home of Sir Samuel Bignold, built in 1765. There are interior and exterior shots of the new Surrey Street building, including the marble and alabaster hall. There are exterior shots of the modern headquarters of the BBC, the home of Sir George Chamberlain, a director, and of the Telephone Building on St. Giles Street, formerly the Headquarters of the Norwich and London Accident and Casualty Society. The building of the Island site between Surrey Street and All Saints Green is covered from the ceremonial stone laying in 1958 to its official opening on May 21st, 1962. The office of the Scottish Union in St. Andrews Square, Edinburgh features. This was an important building as it was designed by Robert Adam and was one of the first private mansions built in the Edinburgh new town. Sir Walter Scott's house, Abbotsford, is also included. Sir Walter Scott was the first President of the Scottish Union. Walcott Parish Church, where Sir Samuel Bignold married in 1815 and buried on January 2nd, 1875, features along with Old Catton Hall, his first home.There is a sequence about the people behind the Norwich Union. These include the five generations of the Bignold family, J.J.W. Deuchar, Chief Officer of the Life Society from 1887 to 1910, E.F. and W.W. Williamson, brothers who were General Managers of the Fire and Life Societies respectively. The film ends with shots of the Norwich Union Buildings.
Featured Buildings
Various Norwich Union Buildings, including:-; The home of Sir Samuel Bignold; The new Surrey Street building ; The Island Site.The offices of the Scottish Union, St. Andrews Square, Edinburgh ; Catton Old Hall, home of Sir Samuel Bignold ; Abbotsford, home of Sir Walter Scott; The BBC Headquarters, All Saints Road, formerly the home of Sir George Chamberlain.The Telephone Building, St. Giles Street, formerly the Headquarters of The Norwich and London Accident and Casualty Society ; The Cathedral All Saints' Church, Walcott; The Castle St. Margaret's Church, Old Catton; The Guildhall Various Norwich Churches; The City Hall
Development; Norwich Union
Camera : A.P Copper
Camera : R.R Prior
Born in Norwich
Genre: Promotional
Locations: Norwich (Norfolk)
Description Type: monographic
Subject: Sir Robert Bignold / Norwich Union / Desmond Longe
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