An Autumn Collection
1962 , Norwich (Norfolk)
Cat no. 309
BBC television programme profiling Autumn fashions in Norwich.
Modelling the latest autumn fashions, shot on the streets of Norwich, and intercut with shots of passers by and interested onlookers. The film begins with window dressers designing a shop display to show off winter coats and tailored suits. The fashion for coats appears to be 3/4 length and skirts are just below the knee. There are some young women window shoppers watching the display. The film cuts to a recurring theme. A young male model dressed as a worker, often with a cigarette, in a variety of poses. His purpose is unclear. The models display a variety of outfits in the market place and at Thorpe station. On the Motte in front of the Castle, a model displays a fur trimmed tailored suit. There is a long shot of the Castle before the scene moves to City Hall. On How Hill, with the Guildhall in the background, a model demonstrates a 3/4 length coat and hat. There are many cut away shots to onlookers, male and female. At the port, the male model featured earlier leaves a boat with a female model in another coat set. He carries her white suitcases and then pulls in the boat. The next two sequences are shot in front of the Assembly House and on Elm Hill. The latter features a fur-collared coat and some well-dressed passers by who could well be modelling the latest fashions for the older generation. The final sequence features a model at Thorpe station and highlights her white stiletto shoes.
Featured Buildings
Thorpe Station; The Castle, Norwich; The City Hall, Norwich; The Guildhall, Norwich
Background Information
This was originally an item from an episode of the BBC East series Outlook entitled `An Autumn Collection'. It was cut to music but the sound track has been lost. Also included in the programme was a visit to the Blakeney salt marshes with Screw Palmer to pick samphire.
Producer : Malcolm Freegard
Production company : BBC East
An Autumn Collection
- Barcode
- INV355327
- Canonical Title
- Unknown
- Carrier Type
- MP4 H264 digital
- Dimension
- Duration
- Modification Date
- 10/11/2011
- Parts
- Reference
- 733595
- Barcode
- INV399443
- Canonical Title
- Unknown
- Carrier Type
- MP4 H264 digital
- Dimension
- Duration
- Modification Date
- 10/11/2011
- Parts
- Reference
- 733591
- Barcode
- INV355697
- Canonical Title
- Unknown
- Carrier Type
- MP4 H264 digital
- Dimension
- Duration
- Modification Date
- 10/11/2011
- Parts
- Reference
- 733590
- Activities
- Barcode
- INV363568
- Canonical Title
- Unknown
- Carrier Type
- DV digital
- Dimension
- Duration
- Modification Date
- 10/05/2011
- Parts
- Reference
- 709513
- Activities
- Barcode
- INV259039
- Canonical Title
- Unknown
- Carrier Type
- master digital
- Colour Type
- bw
- Dimension
- Duration
- Has Sound
- N
- Modification Date
- 23/09/2024
- Modification Time
- 14:13:15
- Parts
- Reference
- 675965
- Sound
- silent
- Barcode
- INV??1877
- Canonical Identifier
- VP-199
- Canonical Title
- Unknown
- Identifier
- Modification Date
- 25/06/2021
- Parts
- Reference
- 563001
- Activities
- Barcode
- INV229981
- Canonical Identifier
- A-936
- Canonical Title
- Unknown
- Carrier Type
- 16mm film
- Colour Type
- bw
- Has Sound
- N
- Identifier
- Image Polarity
- negative
- Modification Date
- 25/06/2021
- Parts
- Reference
- 560932
- Sound
- silent
Category: Non-fiction
Genre: Television
Locations: Norwich (Norfolk)
Work Type: Television
Description Type: monographic
Related to: Outlook
Related to: BBC
Subject: shop window displays / Sixties / Thorpe Station, Norwich / Norwich / shops / guildhalls / castles / city halls / dress / Elm Hill, Norwich
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