
1935 , Mistley (Essex)

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The 1935 Mistley Carnival and Fete

The opening shots are filmed from C.A. Brooks' office. They show the decorated floats and fancy dress parade passing along The Walls just in Mistley, with the River Stour in the background. The procession includes brass bands as well as people on horseback in medieval costume. Displays include Britannia aboard a ship, an ancient Manningtree fire engine, a wedding, a portrayal of Gandhi and several children, some of who carry 30 MPH road signs. Many of the floats are on lorries but some cars are decorated as well as horses and carts. The Carnival Queen and attendants pass before the scene switches to New Road. Many of the floats are seen again, as well as floats showing 'Cries of London', the contribution of Mistley W.I., a maypole and a display about the 1914-1918 war by the British Legion. A number of the lorries belong to Brooks of Mistley and one is decorated as the company's float. At Park Meadow, more of Sergeant Quilter's portrayal of Gandhi, which doesn't look altogether flattering. There are many shots of spectators and participants in fancy dress. The final scenes show the bonfire, lit at 10.00pm.

Featured Events

Mistley Carnival and Fete, celebrating the Jubilee of HM King George V


Carnivals; Jubilee celebrations; King George V



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