Opening of Drill Hall
1936 , Manningtree (Essex)
Cat no. 277
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The Inspection of soldiers in Manningtree, Essex.
A parade of soldiers being inspected and then the camera pans along a line of officers. Sir Francis Whitmore, the Lord Lieutenant of Essex, and Lt. Col. W.L. Ridley, Commander of the 5th Battalion the Essex Regiment (T.A.), are seen talking.
Featured Buildings
The Drill Hall, Manningtree, Essex.
Featured Events
The opening of the drill hall at Manningtree in Essex, 1936
Background Information
Lt. Col. Charles Attfield Brooks was commissioned as Second Lieutenant in the 5th Battalion the Essex Regiment (T.A.) and on its formation in 1939 was appointed second-in-command, and served with in Africa and the Middle East. He held many official posts in Essex, and was also an authority on John Constable.
Maker : C. A Brooks
Camera : C. A Brooks
Opening of Drill Hall
Genre: Military
Locations: Manningtree (Essex)
Description Type: monographic
Subject: military inspections / Sir Francis Whitmore / opening ceremonies / 5th Battalion, Essex Regiment / drill halls
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