The Dairy Farmer

1949 , Holbrook (Suffolk)

Dairy farming at Wall Farm, Holbrook, farmed by George Gall.

A general view of Kersey. The Church clock strikes 6 o'clock. At Wall Farm, Holbrook, Mr. George Gall, farmer, opens his bedroom window to take a look at his cows. The farm workers arrive whilst Mr. Gall drinks a cup of tea before leaving the house. The cows, friesians, are brought in for milking. They enter the milking parlour where each cow goes to her own particular stall. They are fed and Mr. Gall washes his hands before washing the cows' udders. The automatic milking apparatus is attached and set working. The milk is weighed, cooled and caught in churns. These are taken away by van. One cow is milked by hand. The cows return to their fields to graze and the film shows some of the other jobs that have to be done on the farm. The chickens are fed under the gaze of the farm cat. A calf is given a bucket of milk. Food is mixed and given to older calves by a landgirl. Mr. Gall feeds the pigs, who eat hungrily. The milking parlour is hosed down and the churns are scrubbed. New bedding is provided for the calves. Mr. Gall finds some eggs in a haystack and gives them to a landgirl who has been collecting eggs and has a basket full. Hay is cut and collected by moving elevator pulled by a tractor. Beets are thinned out by hand using Dutch hoes. At the end of the day the cows are called in for the evening milking session. As the farmer makes his evening rounds he meets the ploughman returning to the farm riding his ploughing horse.

Featured Buildings

St. Mary's Church, Kersey


Dairy farming

Other Places


Background Information

In 1946 Peter Boulton and Gilbert Hawker set up Boulton Hawker Films. Their main objective was to make educational films. Early films were geography subjects consisting of material which Peter Boulton had shot during the previous four years in the Middle East and Africa. Until 1950 all additional films made by the company were shot in the local area. Local agriculture and industry provided most of the subject matter. This film is one of a series entitled, People Who Work For Us. It was made to present the activities in the typical day of a dairy farmer, chiefly for showing to 8 - 11 year olds. It was the only sound film made by the company, although the soundtrack consisted solely of sound effects. Peter Boulton specialised in biology filming later in his career.


The Dairy Farmer

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