Opening of Eastern Industrial Area

1951 , Harlow (Essex)

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George Lindgren, Parliamentary Secretary to the MInister of Local Government and Planning, opens the Eastern Industrial Area, Harlow on September 21st 1551.

General views of Harlow. These include shots at aerial and ground level and show Harlow practically deserted. Houses and flats are shown, some of them still under construction, but no amenities. At the Templemeads industrial area, George Lindgren, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Local Government and Planning, makes a short speech to a group of factory workers. He tours a factory building and then plants a tree. Mr. Lindgren is seen entering and leaving the factory; there are no interior shots.

Featured Events

The opening of the Eastern Industrial Area, Harlow by George Lindgren.


Industrial estates; New town development; Opening ceremonies


Opening of Eastern Industrial Area

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