Angling Competition
1963 , River Nene (Cambridgeshire)
Cat no. 204
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1963 Angling competition on the River Nene.
The film is an item from the BBC East series Outlook. Begins with the bookmaker calling the odds, the vital part of match angling for at least one competitor interviewed! The match is introduced by the reporter Ralph Tuck and there is a shot of the anglers settled down on the bank of the Nene, all under umbrellas.The fishermen talk about their preferences for match angling as opposed to pleasure fishing. There is a team competing from Coventry, 70 miles away. They had left at 6.00am. One of them explains how he values the camaraderie of match angling; sharing knowledge to improve skill.A blast off a whistle signals the end of the competition, and the winner of the Henson Memorial Cup is announced as Billy Lane. Mr. Lane wins a prize of about £50; not a bad day's work in 1963! During the film there are shots of anglers on the bank, some sitting, some hauling in fish. There are good shots off faces and of the river. There are also close-up shots of maggots. The sluice gates in the background confirm the location
Featured Buildings
The Dog in a Doublet Sluice
Featured Events
The Henson Memorial Cup, match Angling
Other Places
The River Nene, near the Dog in a Doublet Sluice, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire
Background Information
Angling Competition.
Maker : BBC East
Producer : Malcolm Freegard
Angling Competition
Genre: Sport
Locations: River Nene (Cambridgeshire) / Fenland
Description Type: monographic
Subject: River Nene / Peterborough Angling Club / fishing (recreational) / competitions / Billy Lane, angler
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