Gaymers Cider Works
1979 , Attleborough (Norfolk)
Cat no. 188
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The production of Gaymer's Cider.
The opening shot shows the exterior of the works at Attleborough, Norfolk, next to the Norwich to Cambridge Railway. Attleborough Station is in the foreground. An interior shot of part of the refining process where the fermented product is filtered is followed by the chief chemist, Mr. Reilly, taking a sample from one of the large concrete vats. Mr. Reilly explains the contents of the sample and also that Gaymers have 101 concrete vats varying in size from 20,000 gallons to 50,000 gallons. He takes the viewer to the top of the vat and lifts the lid to reveal the cider fermenting vigorously, which it does for two weeks.
Featured Buildings
The Cider Works of W. Gaymer, Attleborough
Maker : David Cleveland
Camera : David Cleveland
Sponsor : The University of East Anglia
Commentator : Mr. Reilly
Gaymers Cider Works
Genre: Industrial / Sponsored Film
Locations: Attleborough (Norfolk)
Description Type: monographic
Subject: Gaymer Cider Company / cider / Mr Reilly, chemist / railway stations
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