Waldringfield Regatta

1934 , Waldringfield (Suffolk)

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A family enjoy the many activites at Waldringfield Regatta, 1934.

The film begins at the Waldringfield Regatta, 1934. Opening shots show sailing dinghies on the River Deben. There is a swimming race and then shots across the river. Boats include both sailing and rowing boats. There is a shot of a mother and daughter rowing and then climbing aboard the larger boat. There are more shots of the sailing and then a shovel race. In The Greasy Pole Event a pole is placed over the river from the harbour wall. People try to walk along as far as possible before falling into the water. The scene moves to Thorpeness Mere. Two women are featured in a sailing dinghy and in a canoe. There is a close up shot of a young woman sailing and general shots of the Mere. At the Alveburgh (sic) Regatta, there are scenes of sailing and then the family standing by rowing boats on the beach. A ruined building is in the background. The next scenes show the family in a boat, The Ranzo on the Deben. The final scenes are of the family swimming and having picnic aboard the Cornelia, a converted barge

Featured Events

Waldringfield Regatta, August 17th and 18th, 1934.Aldeburgh Regatta, August 28th, 1934


Dinghies; Sailing; Thorpeness Mere; Waldringfield;


The Greasy Pole Event - Lorna wins. On Thorpeness Mere. Alveburgh Regatta. Woodbridge to Bawdsey on the Ranzo. On board the 'Cornelia'.

Other Places

Waldringfield; Thorpeness Mere; Aldeburgh; Woodbridge


Waldringfield Regatta

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