Britannia Barracks

1960 , Norwich (Norfolk)

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Britannia Barracks becomes the home of the Fourth Battalion of the Royal Norfolk.

This is a BBC East news item. The film begins with an interview with an officer. He states that (The Royal Norfolks) left here in October last year, they are now 1st East Anglian Regiment Royal Norfolk and Suffolks ... at Bury. The fourth battalion Royal Norfolk Regiment (Territorial Army) has returned to Britannia Barracks and therefore it will once again become the home of the Royal Norfolk Regiment. Following this, soldiers march towards a flag pole. A flag is unfurled. A bugler plays over a panoramic shot of Norwich

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Britannia Barracks

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Britannia Barracks becomes the home of the Fourth Battalion of the Royal Norfolk Regiment (Territorial Army)


Britannia Barracks

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