Mistley Coronation Celebrations, June 1953
1953 , Mistley (Essex)
Cat no. 86
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The Coronation celebrations in Mistley, 1953
A record of the celebrations held in Mistley, in June, 1953. The opening shots are of an open air service conducted from a lorry in the Welcome Home Field, near Mistley Church. After shots of the crowd dispersing, there follows a long one-camera set up sequence of the procession passing the Mistley Towers. Amongst the items are a band, a children's fancy dress parade and a succession of floats concluding with the Manningtree Fire Appliance. A shot of Mistley High Street is followed by some shots of the parade going under the Coronation Banner displayed over the entrance to Furze Hill. There are children and adult fancy dress parades, numerous shots of the crowd and some scenes of the judging of floats. A float designed as a fishing boat bears the placard, Do you Remember Dunkirk? A man is seen filming the occasion. After a marching band and further shots of the crowd, we see a tug of war, a football match and finally the Carnival Queen. A firework display completes the film.
Featured Buildings
Mistley Church; Mistley Towers
Featured Events
Manningtree celebrations for the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, 1953
Carnivals; Coronation celebrations; Queen Elizabeth II
God Save The Queen.
Camera : Ian Rose
Mistley Coronation Celebrations, June 1953
Genre: Amateur
Locations: Mistley (Essex)
Description Type: monographic
Subject: floats / Mistley Towers / firework displays / religious services / carnival queens / fancy dress parades / bands (music) / churches / coronation celebrations
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