British National Championship Ploughing Match
1961 , Keswick (Norfolk)
Cat no. 75
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The British National Championship Ploughing Match, 1961
The film begins with views of the marshalling yard where the 148 entrants are seen registering and then making their way to their respective plots. After shots of the competitors marking out, a rocket fired into the sky signals the beginning of the competition. This is followed by shots of the competitors ploughing the opening furrows. Scenes of the ploughing in progress are followed by shots of the completed plots. Some manufacturers' stands are shown displaying a chisel plough and a special offset plough for working very close to a hedge. There are various shot of the competitors at work including digger ploughs, one way ploughs and horse ploughs.
Featured Events
British National Championship Ploughing Match, Keswick, Norfolk, 1961
Ploughing competitions; Ploughs; Agriculture; Farming; Championship
Some of the 148 entrants gather in the marshalling yard. Marking out for high-cut work. A rocket starts the ploughing. General purpose ploughing. Some of the demonstration machines. Semi digger ploughing. One way ploughing. High-cut horse ploughing.
Other Places
Keswick Hall Farm, Keswick, Norfolk
Background Information
The British Ploughing Association was founded to promote and encourage the art and skill of ploughing the land. This was the 11th Annual British National Championship Ploughing Match. It was held at Keswick Hall Farm, which was on land owned by the Gurney Family. Additional land was made available by F.J. Crane of Common Farm, Swardeston, Mr. A. King and the Principle and staff of the Keswick Hall Teachers' Training College. The two day event included a Service Of Dedication and Blessing of the Plough by the Rt. Rev. The Lord Bishop of Thetford in Norwich Cathedral, and a members' holiday draw and dance in the Grosvenor Rooms, Norwich. As well as the classes mentioned in the intertitles, there was also a class for High-cut tractor ploughing.
Maker : D J Cleveland
British National Championship Ploughing Match
Genre: Agriculture
Locations: Keswick (Norfolk)
Description Type: monographic
Subject: ploughing competitions / Keswick Hall Farm / horse-drawn ploughing
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