Shrublands Fete

1928 , Ipswich (Suffolk)

Speed trials by the Ipswich and District motor cycle club.

The film opens with crowd scenes. A game is shown whereby competitors are trying to knock over wooden pegs in a pony and trap. There is a close-up of the communications table and then more crowd shots including a woman smoking a pipe. The remainder of the film moves to Shrubland Park Drive and shows speed trials by the Ipswich and District Motor Cycle Club. Motor cars, motor cycles and motor cycle combinations are shown during the race and passing the finish line. The time judges table is shown with electrical devices and the record books. There is a close-up of a motor bike and side-car team. A poster displayed on the back of a car gives details of the event, reading, Help! Help! Help! Ipswich and East Suffolk Hospital. Ipswich and District Motor Cycle Club, Speed Trials. Shrubland Park Drive, Saturday, May 12th.

Featured Events

The Annual Charity Fete held in Shrublands Park.


Charity events; Fetes; Motor cycles; Speed trials

Other Places

Barham, Suffolk

Background Information

A fete for charity was held every year in Shrublands Park at Barham, just outside Ipswich, then the home of Lord de Saumarez. The Ipswich and District Motor Cycle Club, later called the Ipswich Motor Cycle and Car Club, was active then and held speed trails for motor cycles and motor cars as part of the event. The speed trials were held over a measured 1/4 mile of the main drive. The winner of the motor car section of the speed trial was J.T. Page in a Salmson. The film seems to be two events edited together; during the speed trials the angle of the shot, the detail, and the picture quality change completely. The poster displayed gives details of a different time trial, still in Shrublands Park, but on Saturday, May 28th (also 1928).

  • Maker : Bostock Gazette

  • Camera : Harry West


Shrublands Fete

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