Growth Port

1972 , Felixstowe (Suffolk)

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A history of the growth of Felixstowe Port

The first sequence shows with the aid of maps to what extent cargoes penetrate into Scandinavia and Europe. A potted history follows about the founding of the port in 1875 through to 1951 when the port was bought by Gordon Parker and completely rebuilt and enlarged. Quay and handling facilities are shown and the commentary mentions the various types of commodities that pass through the port with views of the handling methods of unusual merchandise. Roll on, roll off ferry services to Antwerp and Rotterdam and the Scandinavian countries, operated by the Atlantic Steam Navigation Company, are depicted. Film of the flying boats and the Schneider Trophy high speed sea-plane is seen in a sequence devoted to Felixstowe between the wars. Modern methods of container handling follow. We then see a management meeting, a meeting of the joint shop stewards, and then a sequence that explains the excellent geographical position of Felixstowe - there are maps to illustrate this point, and that Felixstowe is the nearest port to Rotterdam. A sequence of railway wagons points out the excellent rail links, followed by a sequence on the handling and storage of a large variety of liquids and chemicals. The original film made in 1972 ends at this point, but a year later a postscript was added which shows the result of an 8 million expansion that included new approach roads, a large car park, a cold store, and new quays. Employees and lorry drivers' facilities are covered


Dock; Port; Industry; Railway; Gordon Parker


Growth Port

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