Matches Appeal
Cat no. 215258
Stop-motion animation of a matchstick appeal, by Hertfordshire film pioneer Arthur Melbourne-Cooper.
A pair of matchstick man feature in this stop-motion animation by pioneering filmmaker Arthur Melbourne-Cooper, promoting an appeal by the Bryant and May match company for donations to allow the supply of matches to British soldiers serving overseas. Perched atop a scaffold of matches, a matchstick man paints a message claiming that: "For one guinea, Messrs Bryant & May will forward a case containing sufficient to supply a box of matches to each man in a battalion: with name of the sender inside."
Advertisements; Charity; Fund-raising
Background Information
The year of production is disputed, with some records (including 'They Thought it was a Marvel', de Vries & Mul) suggesting the film was created in 1899 to support troops fighting in the Boer War, whilst others point to a production date as late as the First World War.
Director : Arthur Melbourne-Cooper
Animator : Arthur Melbourne-Cooper
Sponsor : Bryant & May Ltd.
Matches Appeal
Genre: Animation / Promotional
Description Type: monographic
Subject: Bryant & May / fundraising
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