The Elver 1931

1931 , West Mersea (Essex)

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Travels of the Yacht 'Elver' on the Essex and Suffolk coast including Harwich Regatta and Royal Corinthian Yacht Club opening.

One of a series of films recording the travels of the schooner Elver, her owner V.B. Harrison, crew and guests. Scenes are shot from the Elver including adjustment of sails, sea, waves, buoys, coastline and passing boats, sometimes close enough to see crew in detail. Scenes include: oyster smacks; the Esbjerg ferry; an aeroplane flying over the yacht; Harwich Regatta including racing of Big Class yachts; paddle steamers; Thames sailing barge; taking a sight with a sextant; Margate with paddle steamer; Royal Fleet Auxiliary ship; Nore lightship; opening of the Royal Corinthian Yacht Club, Burnham-on-Crouch with yacht decorated with flags and small yachts racing; lady (Mrs Bill) steering and raising a glass to the camera.

Featured Events

Harwich Regatta 1931 Opening of Royal Corinthian Yacht Club at Burnham-on-Crouch 1931


Boats; Sailing; Yacht racing; J-Class yachts; Sea


Spelling as it appears on the intertitles The “Elver” 1931 Leaving West Mersea for Harwich Two oyster smacks Harwich the Esbjerg boat Trying to cine an aeroplane Harwich Regatta June 1931 Asrtra The Big Class racing Astra Shamrock with it all up Astra With the London boat in the Wallet Notice the stern wave A Thames barge in it too The London boat is through Leaving Mersea at 5 am July 1931 The skipper objecting to being taken Taking a sight off the Tongue lightship The first officer confirms it Margate The boat from London Entering Queenborough at sunset Queenborough pier 8 am Off Sheerness One of H.M. Auxillary [Auxiliary] ships Notice the paying off pennant The Nore The Clacton boat The owner takes a trick “Elver” at Burnham for opening of the new R.C.Y.C. The new club house “Vivacious” Start of the Burnham restricted class Homeward bound in 1931 summer weather Seas refused to come over and be photographed Elevenses The End

Other Places

Harwich, Essex Margate, Kent Queenborough, Isle of Sheppey, Kent Sheerness, Isle of Sheppey, Kent Burnham-on-Crouch, Essex

Background Information

Elver - “V.B. Harrison’s wishbone-rigged schooner Elver was built at Lymington in 1923 and was a familiar sight in the Blackwater, with moorings at West Mersea until the 1940s.” John Leather, The Salty Shore, Seafarer Books 2003. A photograph of the yacht refers to Skipper Ron Pullen Cork lightship - lightvessel on Cork Bank off Harwich Astra – J-Class yacht Shamrock – a succession of racing yachts owned by Sir Thomas Lipton. Shamrock V was built and started racing 1930, the first British yacht to be built to the new J-Class Rule. Nore lightship – light vessel in Thames Estuary Vivacious – yacht The Wallet is the inshore navigation route south of Harwich The paying off pennant on the Royal Fleet Auxiliary ship indicates that this is a commissioned ship


The Elver 1931

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